Monday, November 15, 2010

One Little Green Thing

"This is so cute!" my sister gasps, lifting the little, green outfit from the baby blue tissue paper.

I bounce the baby in my arms and nuzzle his downy cheek with my nose. "I know," I say with a smile. "I knew as soon as I saw that outfit, it would be perfect for the little guy."

"Funny, that's what you said when you brought me the last ten outfits," she teases.

I laugh. "Well, someone has to dress this little angel." I lift my nephew and pepper his cheeks with kisses until he starts complaining

My sister hands me a small bottle. "He's probably ready for this now. I'm going to try to rest while he sleeps, okay?"

I make a dismissal gesture with my hand and pop the bottle nipple into the baby's mouth. His little rosebud mouth sucks at it greedily; but he keeps his eyes on my face, watching me with monochromatic orbs. He can't see color yet, and I wonder what he thinks of me and my funny face.

My stomach clenches with love as his eyelids droop, letting the warm milk lull him to sleep. I tuck his blankets around him tighter, knowing that he's already toasty but wanting him to feel safe too. Pulling the now empty bottle out of his mouth with a quiet pop, I set it next to the rocker and softly pat the baby's back.

I marvel at how quickly my heart expanded to allow this little person in. He doesn't know how much joy he's bringing to us; and I silently pray to God to thank Him for my nephew. His little mouth curls in his sleep, and I smile back, wondering what the angels are telling him that would make him laugh.

"You are going to be such a blessing in my life," I whisper as tears puddle in my eyes, "the least I could do was buy you some clothes."

Bethany Bachman writes in Philadelphia and welcomed her first nephew this morning. Welcome to the world, Rowan Harold Myers!

Check out for more fiction fun!

1 comment:

Jeff Myers said...

Pronounce that name right!! Rowan not rowann!! lol